Week of January 13th, 2024
SPRING MEXICO MISSION TRIP: If you missed the interest meeting and you’re interested in going on our Spring mission trip to Chihuahua to work in our Colonia please reach out to Justin Sander, justin@denvercalvary.org.
YOUTH WINTER RETREAT, FEB 7-10, 2025, COST $180: Youth, get registered for our youth winter retreat! Put down your deposit to hold your spot. Jordan, jordanharnum77@gmail.com.
WELCOME TO CALVARY LUNCH, SUN. JAN 19TH 1PM: Today is the last day to sign up! If you’re new to Denver Calvary & haven’t attended a welcome lunch, join us after church for lunch & to hear more about the church. Sign up at the welcome table or online. beckie@denvercalvary.org.
POTLUCK DINNERS RESUME AT A NEW TIME. WED. JAN 22ND 5:30PM: As we get ready for our potluck dinners to resume mid-January, please consider taking part by committing to sign up and bring a main dish or side to share. Potluck dinners work best when everyone participates. Some ideas of things to bring: salads, fruit, pizza, lasagna, rotisserie or fried chicken, soup, chili, casseroles, bread, desserts.
CHURCH BUILDING MEETING, SUN. FEB 2ND 1:15PM: Are you a professional, skilled & willing to help with our church remodel & maintenance? We desire to form teams for projects & care of the church building. Some of these tasks require trade experience while others may be to renovate rooms. This meeting is to share our needs, both short & long term. Come be part of all God is doing here at Denver Calvary. We’ll meet in the fellowship hall after church on February 2nd!
NURSERY WORKERS NEEDED ON WEDNESDAY NIGHTS: We’re in need of more loving & caring volunteers to help in the nursery on Wednesday nights. Contact lorah@denvercalvary.org for info.
AWANA REGISTRATION: Visit denvercalvary.org to register your kids for our Awana Clubs program. We will soft launch this program to our church on January 22, and to the community on February 5th. Invite your neighbors, school friends, and family to join you. lorah@denvercalvary.org.
Children’s Ministry Team Meeting- February 23